Tuesday 6 August 2013

I'm Missing Out

The August 1st long weekend is Gay Pride here in Vancouver.  This year, I marched in the parade! Yippee!  Even though there was a lot of festivities and activities that I attended on the weekend, I managed to fit in a few very serious conversations with a couple of good friends.  The conversations ended up being very productive too.

One friend of mine was worried about not being part of a small community of people who gather approximately once a month.  They told me that they felt as though they were missing out.  After much discussion, we came to the conclusion that they actually belong to several communities.  Some of the communities they belong are much larger and have a greater selection of people to friend.  The question then becomes, why did they assume they were missing out?  My friend goes to many events, has many friends, and their circle is expanding all the time.  Well, sometimes when we look at our lives all we see are supposed deficits instead of appreciation for what actually is in our lives.

Seeing shortages in our lives is something that we all do because we're anxious about missing out, and not belonging.  It's as though we're afraid of running out of friends.  When we really consider our fear of running of friends, we realize that is an unfounded fear.  Can we really, truly miss what we don't know? 

Alternatively, what do we know?  Or more to the point, who do we know? When we view our lives with appreciation and gratitude for what we do have it changes our perspective.  We start seeing abundance in our lives when we appreciate what we have. 

I realize as I am writing this that some people may think but what if this person needs a change?  I am not advocating for people not to have change in their lives.  I am saying that maybe a change of perspective towards gratitude will help you.  Change based upon fear is a step backwards, not forwards. Definitely, go for change in your life but take appreciation with you on your journey.

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